This Parenting Style Is Catching On in 2024… But Is It For You?
MAY 16, 2024
Here at Starglow, we’re all about purposeful parenting, which means being really in touch with your child, finding a purpose behind each of their actions, and responding appropriately. But still, we’re not opposed to seeing what else is out there in the parenting space—and honestly, new trends, ideas, and ways to parent are popping up constantly. Being a millennial parent is hard, ya’ll.
The latest new-but-not-so-new parenting style that’s having a resurgence in 2024? Authoritarian parenting. It sounds a little scary, and, honestly, that’s because it is quite strict. Authoritarian parenting means moms and dads have rigid rules and high expectations for their children, with little feedback or input from the kids and punishment rather than positive reinforcement to enforce rules. Basically, “I’m the adult, you’re the kid, you do what I say.” This is for sure the opposite of gentle parenting, and it’s certainly not for everyone (including me. I”ll pass, thanks).
But according to a new survey by Test Prep Insight, a company that uses data to help parents make informed decisions about their kids’ educations, this style is now being adopted by 49% of the country. Out of the 3,000 parents they surveyed, about half of U.S. moms and dads are trying to take more control of their kids’ academics and are placing more of an emphasis on academic success in the hopes of helping them navigate the job market in the future.
Of course, there are some factors worth noting. Specific stats vary by state, with Virginia on the higher percentage end and Colorado on the lower end. And not surprisingly, technology and AI is partly responsible for this shift in parenting tactics. “40% of parents acknowledge the impact of technological advancements on their children’s education and career decisions, and 16% prioritize job security over their children’s interests,” the survey reads. Basically, says the latter, if your son says he wants to grow up to be an artist? No he doesn’t. We’ll make sure he becomes a lawyer instead.
As Parents points out, the authoritarian mindset comes from a good place, because ultimately, everyone wants their child to succeed. Still, there’s a fine line between caring about your kids’ grades and punishing them for not hitting your standards at school. Experts suggest letting your kid explore their creativity, managing conflicts together rather than laying down strict punishments, and, perhaps most importantly, teaching your kid that it’s ok to fail sometimes. No one is perfect here.
Would you ever consider being so strict with your kids? Any other thoughts to share?
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