The Benefits of Bringing Your Kid to the Polls
November 2, 2024
In some states, early voting is going on right now as we approach election day on Nov. 5, which means your Instagram feeds and parenting group chats may already be flooded with cute photos of little ones wearing their parents’ “I voted!” stickers. That’s because in all 50 states, anyone under 18 is permitted to accompany their voter parent or guardian (though some regions or counties have specific rules they need to follow). Plus, let’s be honest, bringing your kid to the polls is a good way to kill some time and get them out of the house, especially if they're off from school while their gymnasium is being used as a polling site 🙋.
But there are other benefits to having our sons and daughters join in on this important activity with us. Truth is, both the local and national elections will affect our children’s lives in some way, so why not have them be involved in the process to an age-appropriate extent? I, for one, will be bringing my son (and my baby daughter) with me on election day; if you haven’t cast your ballot already, will you do the same? Bring your kid(s) to the polls with you in order to…
…provide them with a core memory of this extraordinary moment in history. Every presidential election is major, sure, but the 2024 election is…something. Whether your kid is old enough to remember where they were on Nov. 5, 2024, or if they’ll only know through photographs and their family’s personal anecdotes, it’s pretty cool that they can one day say they were at the voting booth in-person when history was made (one way or the other).
…foster their curiosity about the 2024 election. For Gen Alpha kids — those born between 2010 and 2024 — this presidential race is top of mind, according to The Week Junior. They know the stakes are high, maybe because, like my son, they can sense their parents’ tension as the polls get tighter and tighter?! Anyway, this means odds are good they want to accompany you as you place your vote (and they definitely want to be informed once the winner is announced).
…allow them to observe good citizenship in action. Teaching our kids how to be good people, but also how to be good citizens, a.k.a “civic parenting,” is a must for millennial parents. Explain to your child the importance of using your voice to help make a difference, and then show them how you can do this IRL by placing your vote. Consider also telling your older kids that voting is a privilege given to us as a democratic nation, and that’s nothing to be taken lightly.
… encourage them to be a future voter. The election teaches kids the importance of standing up for what they believe in; seeing voting actually happening helps teach them to do it themselves (one day). Have them help you press that button, pull that lever, or fill in that bubble on the paper ballot, and they’ll get the appeal and exciting feeling of the whole voting thing too.
Will you be bringing your fam along to vote?
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