5 Ways For Dads to Meet New Friends in 2025
December 8, 2024
Ask any millennial mom and she’ll probably tell you her in-real-life friends are key to her everyday survival. Not just any friends, but other “mom friends” specifically with kids of similar ages who are going through what we’re going through at almost exactly the same time. They’re the ones we text questions, concerns, and, well, commiserations to about our children’s tantrums, potty-training, and sicknesses, along with all the joys and cute moments that come along with motherhood. But don’t dads need this type of camaraderie too?
Research has concluded that women generally enjoy social interactions more than men do; this dad meme kind of nails it on the head. Putting ourselves out there and making an effort to connect with other moms in similar walks of life comes more naturally to us than to men (though don’t get me wrong, it’s still awkward and hard!!!).
But like their female counterparts, some new dads struggle with the transition to parenthood too. Whether he works a full-time job or is a stay-at-home dad, it can be equally hard to find the time to meet new guys to hang out with, never mind make the effort. Because guess what? Dads need friends too!
If your partner wants to be even just a tad more social, here are 5 ways he can try to meet other like-minded dads, most of which don’t require a ton of effort (or, to be honest, a ton of leaving the house).
Volunteer as a sports coach or class parent. Why should moms do all the planning? If your dude is especially Type A or has experience leading group activities or playing sports, he may want to consider volunteering in your child’s class or local sports league. It’s an easy way for him to get to know your kid’s classmates and parents, and, truthfully, most of the time, involvement is minimal.
Join local WhatsApp/social media groups. There probably aren’t as many online groups for dads as there are for moms in your community, but that’s because they don’t need as many niches as we do, frankly. Even having a few acquaintances to chat with online can be beneficial for our men of fewer words. Still, my town has a “nerdy dad” WhatsApp sub-group for fathers who are into gaming and pop culture-type hobbies, and my WWE-obsessed husband has met a few like-minded people that way. In addition to the free groups on social media, he may also consider paying a nominal fee to join an app for dads such as Fatherli and Meetup (just type in “dads groups” as a subgroup on the latter).
Help with pick-up and drop-off at extracurricular activities. Studies have found that millennial dads are more involved than dads of previous generations, right down to helping with the everyday minutiae of getting kids out the door and shuffled to and from activities. So, enroll your child(ren) in local sports, classes, or lessons that they enjoy, and, if dad’s schedule permits, have him help with pick-up and drop-off. You never know: small talk in the parking lot could lead to a long-lasting bromance.
Get involved in activities and clubs. As with moms, not everything about being a dad needs to revolve around the kids. In addition to the kids' after-school to-dos, have your guy consider joining a gym, competing in an adult sports league, or becoming a regular at a local bar to watch Monday night football. He’ll inevitably run into some local dads by doing any of this; it’s up to him though if he sparks up conversation.
Be friendly and approachable. As for that part about sparking up conversation? Nobody is going to meet a new person if their face is always tucked in their phone or if he has whatever the male equivalent of resting bitch face (RBF) is. I’m not saying looking approachable when out in public means he’ll have dad friends lining up at the proverbial door, but it’s a start. Body language, eye contact, smiling, and engaging in conversation — even small talk — is key to attracting positive attention and ultimately making friends. Ball’s in your court, fellas!
How else do you think dads can meet other dads?
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