5 Things You Should Know About Being a Stay-At-Home Dad

JUNE 13, 2024

Meet Joey Foo, the viral TikTok and Instagram sensation who is winning over the internet as a stay-at-home dad (SAHD) of three small children. He’s giving us an inside look at the ups and downs of his hilarious and unconventional lifestyle—and we are here for it!  

Gender roles are shifting. Foo's wife has always been the primary breadwinner, which totally works for their family. More parents in opposite-sex relationships are ditching old-school gender roles and finding a system that works best for them. A 2023 Pew Research Center study shows that in 2022, 16% of women married to men were the primary breadwinners, a major jump from just 5% in 1972.

Being a stay-at-home dad (or mom) can be isolating. While being home with your kids all day has some benefits, there are plenty of challenges too. "The hard part was making mom friends, so I used TikTok as a stay-at-home parent outlet," Foo told Newsweek.

Being a dad comes with unique challenges in a space often dominated by stay-at-home moms, and Foo isn’t afraid to share this with his followers. “The hardest part at the start was the isolation from adults. I remember feeling isolated as the only man. Moms would gather together, and it was hard to connect in a world filled with stay-at-home moms."

Staying at home may come naturally. Despite the challenges, Foo thrives as a SAHD. "I've always been a natural caretaker who would do traditional homebody things like chores and changing diapers," Foo told Newsweek. "So, not much changed when I became a stay-at-home dad, I was just with the children more.” 

Watching a dad clean his house might not sound like the most exciting content, but Foo’s videos are super entertaining and relatable, like this 2023 “All Day Cleaning” TikTok video with over 13 million views and this “Speed Cleaning at Night” video that has over 9 million views. 

This lifestyle challenges tradition. While the “traditional” family might still be the norm for some, Foo’s shaking things up and getting people talking about what modern families could look like. He’s not afraid to shut down the haters and challenge some outdated ideas about parenting and gender roles. 

“I think it’s hilarious that people on the internet know exactly what’s best for your family,” Foo says in this TikTok video. “The best part about it is that none of these people would actually come up to me and say these things in real life.” 

Both partners working doesn’t always make sense financially. The rising costs of childcare influenced Foo’s decision to become a SAHD. "It didn't make sense for me to work as my paycheck wouldn't cover child care," he told Newsweek.

The Foo’s aren’t alone in facing tough choices about childcare. Sky-high costs across the country have many parents feeling like they’re working just to pay the daycare bill.

The average cost of daycare is up 13% since 2023, hitting $321 per week, according to the 2024 Cost of Care Report by Care.com. Nearly half of parents surveyed spend more than $1,500 monthly for childcare, expecting those costs to stay the same in 2024. 

At the end of the day, we all have to do what works for our own families, right? "I support what people believe but I also support what makes people happy," Foo told Newsweek

He’s got a point! So, how is childcare handled in your house?

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